The Bobobli Gardens

The arrangement of the Gardens on the Boboli hill started at the same time with the renovation of Palazzo Pitti in the middle of the 6th century. Its creation and development spans for hundred years, from 15th to 19th centuries. Niccolò Pericoli called “il Tribolo”, architect and sculptor, took care of the organization of the large open space connected to the palace and the big garden made of in the new Renaissance (and baroque) concept. At the beginning the Renaissance garden rapressented the power of the governor,and then it became a place for performances and recreations for the court with its allegorical paths in a forest full of statues, caves and beautiful fountains.

The Boboli Gardens underwent many resettlements according to the tastes of its different owners, but its fundamental structure remaines unchanged.

The Bobobli Gardens offers a perfect antidote for those who wants to escape the hot summer days in Florence. For example, in the Koffeehouse which has been recently reopened to the public. Here, in the shadow of huge oaks you can relax and enjoy the silence of the garden.

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